This research aims to understand how people's past experiences relate to their presesnt understanding of themselves

Alison Lenton and Fiona Vass

The University of Edinburgh

November 24th 2008 - January 24th 2009

archived 🗄

A survey exploring the social capital of virtual worlds/MMOs and comparing it to that of the real world

Cynthia Greenan & Colleen Cool

Queens College, City University of New York

November 23rd 2008 - January 23rd 2009

archived 🗄

Do you consider yourself to be a health-minded person, that is someone who in general makes choices and decisions with your health in mind?

Fuschia Sirois, Kyle Stanyar

University of Windsor

November 21st 2008 - January 21st 2009

archived 🗄

A short ten minute experiment, investigating how your past experiences affect your sense of self

Louisa Renwick and Alison Lenton

University of Edinburgh

November 17th 2008 - January 17th 2009

archived 🗄

The online questionnaire deals with the usage, evaluation and perception of the social networking site Facebook in consideration of demographic and psychological variables. It takes

Nina Haferkamp

Department for Social Psychology  Media and Communication of the University of Duisburg-Essen

November 10th 2008 - January 10th 2009

archived 🗄

Participants over the age of 18 are needed for a research study on people's responses to a breakup. Each participant will be asked to read

Stacey MacKinnon, Ashley Smith, Alison MacLellan, and Shannon Rhead

Department of Psychology, University of Prince Edward Island

November 6th 2008 - January 6th 2009

archived 🗄

Wir untersuchen kulturelle Unterschiede in Freundschaft. Im Moment erheben wir Daten in Deutschland und den USA, aber TeilnehmerInnen aus allen Ländern sind herzlich willkommen, an

Vera Sacharin and Richard Gonzalez

University of Michigan

October 27th 2008 - December 27th 2008

archived 🗄

We study cultural differences in friendship. Currently, we are focusing on Germany and the US, but participants from all backgrounds are welcome to respond to

Vera Sacharin and Richard Gonzalez

University of Michigan

October 27th 2008 - December 27th 2008

archived 🗄

Ein einfaches, sehr kurzes Entscheidungsexperiment. Dauer ca. 5 Minuten.

Ingo Zettler & Benjamin Hilbig

RWTH Aachen & Uni Mannheim

October 24th 2008 - December 24th 2008

archived 🗄

Wir interessieren uns dafür, wie Menschen zu der Überzeugung kommen, dass ein Partner bzw. eine Partnerin in schweren Zeiten für sie da sein wird. Der

Johannes Zimmermann

Institut für psychosomatische Kooperationsforschung und Familientherapie, Universität Heidelberg

October 22nd 2008 - December 22nd 2008

archived 🗄